domingo, 16 de abril de 2017

Our society

Maybe I’m too young to talk about the world and society, because as many people say I have lived very little to know how things have to go. But I just want to give my point of view and my opinion of our society.

Nowadays we are living in a world that is a completely madness, our society is a madness too. 

We are living in a world where most politicians are corrupt, where there are terrorist attacks almost every day, where the politicians instead of giving money to health, spend money in wars, and where the greatest world powers like USA, Russia and China fight in a competition to see who has greater military and nuclear power. And these things are just an example of thousands of other things that make our world crazy.

But focusing on our society, in the first place we live in a technological society I will not go into details with this, because I already dedicate a post on the blog. But it’s a good example to start telling the truth about our society.

 Secondly, I could put the importance we give to our social reputation. And by this I mean, that for exemple, if I’m poor but has come to the market a new mobil like the iphone 7 or as a new adidas sneakers, even if I’m poor I'm going to spend the little money I have on that. For what? Because I am not going to be less than the others, I have to pretend that I am in the same social rank. In this example I have generalized but it’s clear that not everyone is like this.

Another of the things I hate most about this society is the sexism towards women. Come on guys we are in 2017, you have to mature, and see once and for all that women have the same rights as men.

And finally although we have so many mistakes more I have to highlight, the little value we have to things. We wait with longing months to have a thing and once we have it we take away all the value we had to that thing.

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