sábado, 25 de febrero de 2017

Technology Addition

Today I’m here to talk about Technology addition because I think it’s an issue that effects us all. 
Resultat d'imatges de iphones tumblr
Nowadays see people with their phones everywhere is the most normal but I think we are not doing things right. I’m the first to admit that I'm always on my cell phone, always and that’s not good. 

As a personal experience I have to say that I use the cell phone for everything, from talking to friends to reading books. And many times I wonder, “When I let my life depend on an electronic Device?” of course my life doesn’t depend on the cell phone but it’s a way of expressing this addiction.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees that this is getting out of hand, we only have to see children of 7 years, who already have a phone, it’s crazy because they don’t have the need to have one. When I was little me and my friends spent the afternoons in the park playing or playing anywhere but playing. Now children play with game consoles, they are missing experiences and memories of childhood because many of them spend the evenings in front of a screen.

Even when I'm 16 I'm losing things in life because I'm so hooked on tecnologies, this thing is a complete madness. Many times when you stay with your friends even being next to each other we talk on the phone or just hang out with the phone and it’s like you have your friends in front, and you prefer to spend the time in front of a screen than talking with them.

To this kind of things I mean when I talk about the addition to Technology and now I only can think “What are we doing with our lives?”

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